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Triathlon Most Main Race

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Partners of the Race

Město Most partner závodu Triatlon Most 2021
CSG a.s., partner závodu
Triathlon Most

Date:                                            Aug 15, 2021

Distances of the main Race:    1.9 – 90 – 21.1 km

Venue:                                         Most, Matylda reservoir / Matylda Lake area (A leisure and recreational zone)

Organizer:                                   CSG TRI TEAM z.s. in cooperation with the statutory town of Most

Type of the Race:                       Mid-triathlon public race

Parking:                                       Matylda Lake area

Registration:                               via RACE RESULT

Payment for the Triathlon Most Registration will only be possible via online payment with a credit card or via bank transfer, executed within 3 days from Registration made on the Race website.

In case of the announcement of extraordinary anti-epidemic measures, the entry fee will be refunded.                                                     

Registration once paid encompasses:

  • A start bag (containing a set of start numbers, a swimming cap, bags for things to be deposited in the locker room and the depot)
  • A certified chip timer Race Result 
  • Parking in the Race area
  • Refreshments during the Race
  • Refreshments at the Finish
  • Technical provision of the tracks
  • A finisher´s medal
  • A finisher´s T-shirt 
  • An SMS with the result of the Race
  • A diploma with the result of the Race
Main Race:


  • Swimming: 1.9 km – 2 circuits in the newly renovated Matylda reservoir 
  • Cycling: 90 km – an extremely fast track in completely closed traffic conditions, 3 circuits on the 1st class road following the direction Most – Chomutov
  • Running: 21.9 km – 5 circuits on an asphalt path around the Matylda reservoir


Categories of the main Race:


                            Individuals                                                                         Relays         *must have 3 members

                         GROUP ELITE                                                                                             MEN

                  AG 18 – 23 MEN/WOMEN                                                                             WOMEN

                 AG 24 – 29 MEN/WOMEN                                                                                  MIX

                          AG 30 – 34 MEN/WOMEN                                                                               

                 AG 35 – 39 MEN/WOMEN

                 AG 40 – 44 MEN/WOMEN

                 AG 45 – 49 MEN/WOMEN

                 AG 50 – 54 MEN/WOMEN

                 AG 55 – 59 MEN/WOMEN

                 AG 60 – 64 MEN/WOMEN

                 AG 65 – 69 MEN/WOMEN

                 AG 70+       MEN/WOMEN


Cycling part:  A refreshment station every 30 km (water, ionic drink, coke, fruit, chocolate, cookies)

Running part: A refreshment station after 2 km (water, ion drink, coke, fruit, chocolate, cookies)

Program of the main Race:     
                                              Aug 14, 2021

·      05:00 – 07:00 p.m.  Opening of the Start Office, presentation of the competing athletes (CZ/ENG)

 ·       Location: Lake Matylda area

 Aug 15, 2021

·       07:00 – 09:00 a.m. Presentation of the competing athletes at the Start Office. The depot opening.

·       10:00 a.m. Rolling start according to AG and relays will be specified according to current regulations.

·     03:15 p.m. Expected end of the cycling part of the race.

·     05:00 p.m. The ceremony will take place according to current possibilities.

·      06:00 p.m.  End of the Event

11:00 a.m. The last athletes go to the cycling part of the race.

01:45 p.m. The athlete closing the starting field enters his last lap of the cycling part. 

03:15 p.m. Expected end of the cycling part of the race.


* From 01:45 p.m. cyclists will ride in the section “Profile 3” / approx. 800m / see the picture above in open traffic. The R1 road remains closed throughout the race.

Prizes and prize money: 

The first three places in each Category of Individuals and Relays will receive medals and prizes from the Event organizer and sponsors. The absolute winner in the main Race will be awarded with “prize money” in the following amounts:


1.     Absolute placement MEN / WOMEN   CZK 10,000 

2.     Absolute placement MEN / WOMEN   CZK 7,000

3.     Absolute placement MEN / WOMEN   CZK 5,000

4.     Absolute placement MEN / WOMEN   CZK 3,000 

5.   Absolute placement MEN / WOMEN   CZK 2,000

 6. Absolute placement MEN / WOMEN   CZK 1,000



Triathlon Most Individuals

CZK 3300
  • By Dec 31, 2020
Good prize

Triathlon Most Individuals

CZK 3600
  • By Jun 01, 2021

Triathlon Most Individuals

CZK 3900
  • From Jun 02, 2021

Triathlon Most Relays

CZK 4100
  • By Jun 01, 2021

Triathlon Most Relays

CZK 4700
  • From Jun 02 till Aug 07, 2021

In case of the announcement of extraordinary anti-epidemic measures, the entry fee will be refunded.                                                     

Track for Swimming 1.9 km

Track for Cycling 90 km

Track for Running 21.1 km

Registration for Individuals

Registration for Relays only by Aug 7, 2021

PDF Propositions for print

Matylda Lake area